Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Murphy's Law

Here is a poem that I wrote for my Introduction to Literature class that I'm taking this semester. Poetry is my weakest area, but I figured I post it anyway.

Murphy's Law
by Twilightrose

This man Murphy
He made this law
A law of the world that says:
Anything that can go wrong,
Will go wrong.

I’ve always said
My mother, she had it
My middle name should’ve been
Murphy’s Law.

I think Lady Irony must’ve been
Ol’ Murphy’s best friend.
Maybe just his guardian angel
Sometimes I think she’s mine.
Alanis sang her an ode;
And yes I really do think…

That in my life there was a time
When something went wrong
With Murphy’s Law
Every time
That I look into
My daughter’s eyes.

Copyright 2008 H. L. Paine aka "Twilightrose" aka "Mosaiccreme"

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